Freedom Music
Free The Nation Music unites freedom loving musicians with freedom loving music fans. Music is about freedom. Music is about love and acceptance. Music is about choice.
We are all free to choose the music we love to choose music which resonates with our lives our dreams and our aspirations.
Music is powerful too.
We are musicians who stand for freedom and oppose all forms of segregation and discrimination including medical discrimination.We welcome all. Please join us.
Join Freedom
Whether you are a freedom loving musician or freedom loving music fan you can become part of Free The Nation Music today.
Musicians can choose ‘Founding Musician Membership’ which includes a link to your website plus other benefits.
Music fans can choose ‘Founding Fan Membership’ for benefits which include discounted tickets for shows.
Plus you can choose to make a one off donation to help grow this freedom music movement, one which will never require masks or proof of injections to attend our live shows.
Join the mailing list
Are you a music fan who supports freedom of choice regarding mask/jab mandates? Do you stand for choice and against bullying, coercion and discrimination? Join the Free The Nation Music List for breaking news about events and to be part of this growing community of freedom loving music fans.
And if you are in a position to do so, please consider making a donation so we can continue to create more opportunities for like minds to make and enjoy music together.